Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Mustang Partner

You see I ride a Mustang and you stop and ask me why,
And as I begin to answer, my eyes well up with pride.
You see, I've looked at other horses with so called bloodlines, breeding and such,
But compared to my partner Abby, they sure don't amount to much.
She's a bit of Americana, folks see it at just one look,
Its somethin' that you feel inside, you won't find it in any book.
"How long'd it take to break her" they ask, "looks like you've had good luck,"
"I didn't break her," I reply, "she accepted me, without one single buck."
No, she doesn't like everything I have to make her do,
But she gets in and does the job, just because I ask her to.
I think God must 'of loved the Mustangs for he made them powerful and wild you see,
They remind me of where I am today, here, in the land of the free.
They're a part of us, what we've been, the heritage of our great nation,
Its a blessing for me to caretake one of God's finest creations.
So when you think of wild horses, don't think of them as food that some dogs eat,
Think of Abby the Police Horse, my partner workin' the streets.
At the end of our days, when we've run out our course,
The good book says the Almighty will return on what else but a horse.
So listen when our Maker returns, he may speak with a bit of a western twang,
‘Cause the beautiful horse he come in on, was once a wild Mustang.
Mounted Sergeant, Phil West

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